That’s the current online buzz of America’s most popular email provider. Last week, Google rolled out their update to advertisements for email.
“Email is a big part of our everyday routines as a go-to place for staying in touch with family, friends and colleagues. It’s also a great way to get the latest updates from our favorite brands, whether we’re hearing about a huge weekend sale, getting deals on vacation packages, or learning about a new cutting-edge product. For several years, we’ve been working with advertisers to extend their email marketing strategies and test ways to bring more relevant offers to users with native Gmail ads.”
The ads were made available to advertisers via AdWords and ensure the online giant another avenue of diversified income. It was only four months ago that Google changed the online world with it’s new algorithm.
The continued migration of globals users away from desktops, and laptops, to tablets and smartphones, drove the search king to naturally prefer search and web traffic built for mobile-friendly sites.
“Each year, Google changes its search algorithm around 500–600 times. While most of these changes are minor, Google occasionally rolls out a “major” algorithmic update (such as Google Panda and Google Penguin) that affects search results in significant ways” (
Marketers need to know and prepare for these algorithm change dates to ensure their customer communication accurately reflects changes in search rankings and website traffic.
Google has removed text ads from their email, and reduced the number of graphic ads in an effort to clean up and streamline what they call “the inbox experience.”
Recent advertising gains by Facebook, with its audience reach of 1.4 billion and 900 million visits per day, have no doubt fueled the email ad move by Google.
The two pillars of the revamped Gmail ads are collapsed and expanded.
Collapsed ads are aimed at matching the appearance of the inbox where the user can select and expand it to obtain additional information. Expanded ads are initiated by a user selecting the collapsed ad revealing a full-page rendition of the information on the landing page.
Boasting 900 million users the new Gmail format enables them to save ads to their inbox or forward them to friends and contacts. Google’s dominant influence ensures that the power of direct to user email marketing remains an ongoing necessity for advertisers.
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